Enhancing responses for male survivors of sexual violence, funded by All Survivors Project Foundation.

YHDO with financial and technical support from, is implementing study on enhancing response for male survivors of sexual violence in Afghanistan. The project is divided into two key phases: research on male survivor access to quality healthcare services, and the development and piloting of a tool for healthcare providers to enable enhanced provision of services for male survivors of sexual violence. 


Location: Kabul, Kandahar and Balkh provinces

Duration: May 2020-December 2020

Funded by: All Survivors Project (ASP), an international UK based organization.


The overall aim of the project is to facilitate the development and availability of safe, inclusive, competent and survivor-centred healthcare services and response mechanisms for all survivors of sexual violence, including boys and men, in three provinces of Afghanistan.

The project will equip government and non-government healthcare services with new knowledge, skills and tools to ensure that adequate, quality and safe service provision is available to all survivors and that it is culturally appropriate and gender and age sensitive.

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 Kabul, Afghanistan