Fighting Bacha Bazi in Afghanistan and Ending Impunity

YHDO is implementing project fighting bacha bazi in Afghanistan and ending impunity.


Location: Kabul, Balkh, Herat and Kandahar province. A total of 12 districts covered by project.

Duration: October 1, 2019- September 30, 2021.

Funded by: US Government


The project aims to create a grassroots movement to inspire change – where communities support, not stigmatize, survivors and push for perpetrators to be held accountable for this crime. To achieve this goal, this project focuses on two specific objectives which include:

Mobilize religious leaders and other influential community members to publicly speak against Bacha Bazi and its perpetrators. Build the capacities and skills of civil society entities, including youth, to safely and ethically report and advocate on Bacha Bazi. Design and distribute IEC materials to all stakeholders.

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 Kabul, Afghanistan